Monday, December 5, 2011

Appearance VS Personality

I do indeed know people who are big outside but little inside. They might be huge and intimidating but they act timid and gentle as though they were two feet tall. On the other hand I also know people who are physically small but act like they're some big scary person who could beat up anyone who crosses their path. Physical appearance is actually related to personality sometimes, and sometimes it isn't. However, you can't assume things about a person based on the way that they look. Even when appearance does tell something true about a person, the correlation is usually pretty small. For example, how someone dresses and wears their hair can tell a bit about them sometimes. For example, if someone walks around wearing heavy metal t-shirts, you can safely assume that they listen to that music. If they dress in an usual fashion, its likely that they are creative and artistic and like to defy the status quo. Personality does not have to match outward appearance whatsoever. If my appearance related directly to my personality I would still have the same clothing style...maybe a bit more eccentric and I think I'd be a really darn good lookin' person because I'd like to think I have a good, nice personality.

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