Friday, October 14, 2011

Life Law 9: Power In Forgiveness

"Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself."
Suzanne Somers 

This quote is true because when you forgive someone, you do much more for yourself then you do for them. You release yourself from the grip of hatred they have on you and that gives you more freedom because you're no longer worried about them and the things that they do. If you go on without forgiving someone then you will always have conflict that inevitably causes more stress in your life. Also, if you and this person genuinely dislike each other then forgiving them will annoy them because then they know that they no longer have a control or influence over you even though it was negative in the past. It shifts the power in your life from those with whom you have conflict and puts the power in your own hands. 

Friday, October 7, 2011

Thought For The Day Life Law 6

"Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right"
Henry Ford

This quote is absolutely true, your ability to do things just depends on how much ambition you have and how much faith you have in yourself. If you believe that you can do something and you're willing to go out and take the steps to get there, you can do anything you want. By the same token if you're sure you can't do something then that means you won't make any attempts to get it done so therefore you really can't do it. There is no such thing as something that is impossible for you to achieve or something that you will certainly achieve. Your belief in your abilities to do something, which ultimately impact how hard you try to get that thing, determines if you do in fact get to that place you want to be in or not. Its all about views, self confidence, and work ethic.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Thought Of The Day Life Law 5

"What you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

This quote is one of the truest statements you will ever see. The things that you say you're going to do or the things that you brag about being able to do seem like a mere whisper next to the deafening volume of the things that you actually DO do. If you sit there and think to yourself "Man, the world sucks right now. I want to do something about it." Sitting there talking about what you could do doesn't make a difference in the world, you have to go out and do something! Volunteer at that homeless shelter, help that kid that always gets picked on, stop pretending it's cool to make fun of people with your friends. Nobody pays any attention whatsoever to words if they come with no action. For example if some big oaf says he's going to punch you in the face, it doesn't make as much difference as it would if he really sent you home with a busted lip does it? If you don't bring action into your life, you will never get anything you want in your life. Words can motivate yourself or others to want change but if you want it to happen you have do it. People follow those who lead by example.  If you sit around and complain or talk about things that you wish could be better or different, how in the world can you expect them to change if you aren't willing to actually do something about it?